Previous Sermons & Podcasts
List of our previous sermons
In this section you will find a series of edifying sermons for your daily life shared in our campus chapel.
Upcoming meetings

Owner of forbidden objects in campus
We would like to inform the student body that the student whose sinful items were confiscated from her room has been expelled and sent to a correctional camp by our holy council. During this coming meeting, we will be discussing which items are strictly forbidden on campus.

Once again, brothers and sisters, we will hold a meeting to explain our reasoning and all the ways we generate income. We understand that many may not grasp our methods; however, we are accredited by prophecies and heavenly visions, not by mere men. On another note, we do not condone the new graffiti on the campus walls and kindly ask the student body to take care of the university facilities, as we are, of course, innocent and holy.

Testimony Night
This weekend, we will host a testimony night featuring several members of our community, sharing their heartfelt accounts of how our amazing product, Make Me Pure, truly works and is transforming lives—making them far more pleasing in the eyes of everyone, according to their previous beliefs.

Hands Up Orphanage donation
We wanted to remind our beautiful student and congregational community that we continue to generously donate 1% of all our earnings to the orphanage "Hands Up", also managed by our holy council. We’d like to remind you that they, too, contribute by crafting certain handmade goods with much love—beautifully produced by them directly from their warehouses-turned-factories, so they can earn their meals with the sweat of their precious little brows. Please keep buying and supporting us so they, too, may feel blessed. We will have donation boxes available throughout the entire month so you can donate at your convenience.